Hallie Brown writes:
Sulayman Barry is a native of Sambel Kunda in CRR South. He attended BrikamaBa Senior Secondary School. For the past 5 years, Sulayman has worked as an unpaid nurse assistant at the Kuntaur Major Health Center, where he has specialized in antenatal care and deliveries. Sulayman has worked as the counterpart to two Peace Corps Volunteers, supporting projects on antenatal care and FGM. He is currently applying to the registered nurse program at The University of The Gambia and the two community health nurse programs, which are located in Mansa Konko and Bansang. He is anticipating to hear back from these programs in the coming months. Supporting Sulayman’s education would be supporting a lifelong dream of becoming a nurse. Because of his past experience working in a health center, many of the topics and subject areas are already second nature to him. The biggest barrier to Sulayman reaching this goal is finances. |